There are currently more than 20 WGs in YOUNGO. Their membership is based on individual expression of interest and not on any formal selection procedure. If you have the feeling a topic is missing, as YOUNGO member you can establish a new WG.

List of thematic Working Groups

Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE)

Our WG is concerned with activities surrounding Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) within and outside the UNFCCC. This includes setting our our vision for ACE and the role children and youth play within ACE. We are advocating for our ACE vision during and in between sessions raise awareness and to ensure concrete and ambitious goals are set for ACE by all the Parties.


We think that in order to adapt to climate change and improve the resilience of the most affected communities, a holistic and systemic approach that puts vulnerability and justice at its heart is needed. Participatory, bottom-up approaches should be applied, promoting community ownership and incorporating traditional and indigenous knowledge and practices.

Agriculture & Food at COP

We believe it’s vitally important for COP26 to fuel climate action through meals that are less resource-intensive and better for the planet we are fighting for. Shifting to a more plant-centered event is only logical for one whose purpose is to fight climate change. We stand together in the belief that COP26 should acknowledge the link between food and climate and shift catering towards more climate-friendly foods. We ask you to stand with us by joining the campaign to build global support for a plant- based COP26.

Animal Rights


We are a global network of youth involved in climate change advocacy for cities at the UNFCCC negotiations and calling for the integration of NDC’s to local climate action plans and on-ground initiatives.

Finance & Market

Finance is considered as the primary mechanism for achieving the Paris Agreement. Our WG primary focus is on the role and need for climate finance and carbon markets for achieving the climate goals. We also intend to foster Youth participation on climate finance related matters.

Gender & Women

The Women and Gender working group of YOUNGO serves as a platform for different youth organisation and feminists working towards women’s right, gender justice and climate action to influence policies and contribute towards the annual conference of youth. It provides a platform to exchange ideas and information on issues concerning gender and climate change within the YOUNGO Space.


According to the World Health Organization, climate change is now the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. The health WG aims to discuss the health impacts of climate change that can be directly mediated through weather events, or indirectly mediated through the effects on economies, access to healthcare, social structure and ecosystems.

Human Rights

The Human Rights working group focuses on all three fundamentals of YOUNGO which are advocacy, action and communication. Climate change has been the biggest culprit in violation of human rights, the most affected are of course the vulnerable and marginalized communities. We at the HR working group give value and time to hear the voices of the young people from all diverse backgrounds and we promote both on ground and virtual activism.

Indigenous Solidarity

Indigenous Solidarity WG aim to rise multifaceted issues of Local Comminities and Indigenous people in tackling climate change to the table of decision-making process in UNFCCC. We refer to the Paris Agreement, Decision 1/CP.21, climate change is a common concern of humankind. When taking action to address climate change, the respective obligations on, inter alia, the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities should be respected, promoted and considered. As the multifaceted issues come within ground sectors, we are willing to work collaboratively and building strong mutual solidarity for resilient. Source:

Loss & Damage

Working on advancing adaptation work within climate action, including the role of youth.

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)

NDC is the heart of the Paris Agreement, the first binding agreement for climate action. As countries are the ones deciding which actions to take to avoid the temperatura raising, NDCs become an essential piece of the climate action strategies. Taking this into consideration, the YOUNGO's NDC Enhancement WG help young people to understand, monitor and follows all related topics to this issue.


This Working Group strongly focuses on the lead to the 14th Sustainable Development Goal- Life below water and its strong correlation (and implications) to climate change. The core roles of this working group is to push state delegates and decision makers to include Oceans on the climate agenda, arrange side events, discussions, bilaterals and interventions at global platforms.

Renewable Energy

WG focuses on integrating the relevant energy policy measures to the climate change discussion. Knowing that entities such as National Renewable Energy Laboratory is a part of CTCN consortium, we strive to engage renewable energy technology and implementation related work to our work. We intend to work with UNMGCY SDG7 youth constituency to enhance the quality of engagements.


The Science Working group was created days before of COP25. The main goal was to follow science based decisions at COP25. COP25 had the badge of listening to science and the best science available focused on the special reports from the IPCC.

Green Jobs

Our WG is concerned with activities surrounding Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) within and outside the UNFCCC. This includes setting our our vision for ACE and the role children and youth play within ACE. We are advocating for our ACE vision during and in between sessions raise awareness and to ensure concrete and ambitious goals are set for ACE by all the Parties.

Reducing Inequality & Inclusion Rights

Working on advancing adaptation work within climate action, including the role of youth.





Technology Mechanism

This working group is focusing on engaging youth in the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism, including Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN) and the Technology Executive Committee (TEC ). Highlight youth issues in the development and implementation of climate technology.

