The Conference of Youth (COY) is the most important annual event of YOUNGGO and is rooted in a long history. It serves as a gathering of members of the constituency and youth interested in the work of YOUNGO. It is usually organised in the same city as the COP and takes place the days  preceding the COP.

The 16th UN Climate Change Conference of Youth (COY16)

UK and YOUNGO members from across the world. More extensive information about COY can be found on the official channels of the COY16

Global COY
Global COY (GCOY) is the biggest and most substantial youth conference related to the multilateral UN climate processes. It is the official gathering of YOUNGO members and happens a couple of days before the annual Conference of the Parties (COP) at the same location. GCOY brings together inputs of the global youth, which will feed directly into the climate negotiations.
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Virtual COY (vCOY) is the virtual space where the global youth community facing different barriers such as lack of travel funds, visa restrictions, age barriers or due to environmental considerations comes together. vCOY ensures the voices of less privileged, vulnerable, marginalized, refugee and Indigenous groups are adequately heard and represented and makes YOUNGO even more accessible and inclusive.
Regional COYs (RCOY) and Local COYs (LCOY) are organized prior to the GCOY across the world, in order to localize the climate conversation and gather more inputs from the ground. RCOYs and LCOYs discuss and develop respective outputs, which feed into national and regional climate policy making as well into GCOY and consequently into the climate negotiations.
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major components of the Conference of Youth

Policy Document

Skill-building Workshops

Cultural Exchange

Capacity Building