YOUNGO Position Paper To SB60

For the first time, the Constituency has coordinated a position paper for the SBs ensuring strong advocacy for climate justice in line with the technical agenda items. This Position Paper, co-ordinated by YOUNGO through extensive consultation rounds with all the relevant stakeholders, highlights the key demands of Children and Youth and represents their voice in the UNFCCC Processes. 


The Position Paper is available in the following languages:

– English: Click here to read

– Arabic: Click here to read

– Chinese: Click here to read

– French: Click here to read

– Portuguese: Click here to read

– Russian: Click here to read

– Spanish: Click here to read


The Position Papers lays out demands under each of the following agenda Items:


1. SBI Agenda Items

– ACE dialogue

– Arrangements for intergovernmental meetings (AIM)

– Linkages between the Technology Mechanism and the Financial Mechanism

– Matters relating to the Adaptation Fund

– Matters relating to the Least Developed Countries

– Progress, challenges, gaps, and priorities in implementing the gender action plan and on future work to be undertaken on gender and climate change

2. SBSTA Agenda Items

– Expert dialogue on Mountains and Climate Change

– Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform

– Matters relating to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

– Matters relating to the operation of the clean development mechanism.

– Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue 2024


3. SBI/SBSTA Items

– Developed countries’ immediate and urgent action to achieve net zeroemissions at the latest by 2030 and net negative emissions thereafter

– Expert Dialogue on Children

– Formalization of the Youth Stocktake

– Glasgow Dialogue (Decision 1/CMA3, para 73; endorsed by decision 1/CP.26. para 43)

– Matters relating to adaptation: Matters relating to the Global Goal on Adaptation

– Matters relating to adaptation: National Adaptation Plans

– Matters relating to the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures serving the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement

– Matters relating to the global stocktake


4. SBI/SBSTA Items

– Modalities of the United Arab Emirates dialogue on implementing the global stocktake outcomes, referred to in paragraph 97 of decision 1/CMA.5

– Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementing climate action on agriculture and food security

– Sharm el-Sheikh mitigation ambition and implementation work program

– Tenth Technical Expert Dialogue and second meeting under the Ad Hoc

– Work Programme on the New Collective Quantified Goal

– Terms of reference for the 2024 review of the Warsaw International

– Mechanism for Loss and Damage Associated with Climate Change Impacts

– The United Arab Emirates Just Transition Work Programme


5. Demands outside of SB60 Agenda Items

– Messages to COP29 and the Presidency

– Messages to the Secretariat

– Demands on Migration