Why should you join?

If you want to contribute to solving the climate crisis and want to engage in multilateral climate processes We are children and youth coming from all over the world striving to fulfill our vision, and mission through our strategy. Civil society and everyone who is not representing a government, is represented in the 9 constituencies of the UNFCCC.

YOUNGO is the official children and youth constituency to the UNFCCC and is connected to the other constituencies which have a formal voice in the UNFCCC process. Hence we deliver interventions (speeches), submissions (written documents), and attend or convene briefings, expert meetings, and press conferences organized under the convention.

Connect with us

The first step toward being involved in YOUNGO is to join our main communication channels:
YOUNGO has a membership of over 1000+ youth organisations / NGOs and 10,000+ individuals and we are growing every day. The members are connected via the official mailing list of YOUNGO, which also serves as a moderated communication channel for all official communication within YOUNGO.

For any additional information or inquiries, drop us an email at: Infoyoungo email